About The FOR Club
The FOR Club is Richland Elementary School’s Parent Teacher Organization. It stands for “Friends of Richland” and refers to the motto of, For School, For Children and For Community. The FOR Club is run by volunteers to raise money for school activities and programs which are no longer funded by the state. Among many of the activities and programs that the FOR Club supports are the Visual Arts and Performing Arts (VAPA) and the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics (STEAM) program. The school counts on the FOR Club to fund these programs and each year the FOR Club is faced with raising over $157,000 to meet their goal.
The great news is that there is no fee to be part of the club and as parents and supporters of mustangs you are already a member! Whether you are looking to be involved or would just like more information, take a look around and feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
This year the FOR Club is offering the option to sponsor any of the programs we support. If you are interested in doing so, or if you know of anybody, or a local business who would be interested in supporting a program please follow the link below to learn more. There are several benefits to becoming a sponsor. Please contact us if you have any further questions. Thank you!