Frequently Asked Questions
What is the FOR Club?
The FOR Club is Richland Elementary's PTO. FOR Club is an acronym for 'Friends of Richland". A PTO is a 'Parent Teacher Organization’.
The FOR Club is a non-profit organization made up of parents who volunteer their time, services, or provide monetary donations enhance the learning environment for students and teachers. All monetary donations are tax deductible with the majority of funding spent in the same school year. FOR Club works with administrators to support the arts and science programs and necessary tools that enhance our Mustang's educational experience!
Why do we need the FOR Club?
The FOR Club raises money to support programs that are no longer supported by the state. FOR Club fully funds Richlands STEAM, VAPA, and Luminary Arts along with additional programs. FOR Club provides family fun and community building events throughout the year. We provide extra opportunities our students and teachers need to continue enjoying the outstanding learning environment here at Richland.
Does it cost money to join the FOR Club?
There is no fee to join the FOR Club. In fact, as parents, family members or community supporters of Mustangs, you are already a member!
When and where are the FOR Club meetings? What is typically discussed?
FOR Club meetings will be held every second Tuesday of the month from 4:30-5:30 pm in the Teacher Development Room. Expect updates from the principal, the FOR Club Executive Board and Event Committees. Childcare provided.
What programs does FOR Club support?
The FOR Club supports all of the arts and science programs at Richland Elementary; STEM, the Art program, Chess Club, the Cheer Team, VAPA, Luminary Arts, Support Intervention, Accelerated Reader (AR), Running Club, Library Support, Track and Field, PE Supplies, Ukulele and Teacher Grants. Without our fundraising efforts, these programs would not be funded.
Total Funds needed to be Raised: $195,109.46
STEM Instruction Program - $75,600
Instructional Aides - $55,650.58
Art Instruction Program - $24,099.88
Teacher Grants - $15,000
Performing Arts - $14,000
Operating Expenses - $5,059
Staff Appreciation - $3,000
Clubs, Scholarships and Misc - $2,700
What are the volunteer opportunities with FOR Club?
The FOR Club is always looking for volunteers! There are a variety of committees that help run different events or areas. You can fill out a volunteer form and we will contact you about different volunteer opportunities. You can also help by contacting your mustang's teacher and either signing up as a Room Parent or asking what you can do to support the room parent. Click here to explore how to Get Involved!
I don't have much time to volunteer? Are there other ways I can support the FOR Club.
We understand that some schedules do not allow for much time to volunteer. If you can not volunteer for fundraisers or events, you can can support us by attending any of our upcoming events, such as the Halloween Carnival, Golf Tournament, Family Dance or Bingo De Mayo. We also offer sponsorship opportunities for many programs we support as well as sponsorship opportunities for the golf committee.